Monday 30 November 2015


Friday, 27th November 2015 -- Deepavali Celebration -- Lincoln University College.

So I present you, the colors of Rangoli. Jenuh mencari baju untuk function ni. 
Semua lawa lawa belaka hokey :)

I pun acah acah jadi Priyanka Chopra. Hihiksss.


Yeayy its ME :)

I nak buat perut dulu kasi flat kasi leper, next year I nak pakai saree.


Tuesday 3 November 2015


After 5 years using Skinfood products, now I have to say good bye to them!

For certain reasons, they already stopped selling the Tea Tree skincare set in Malaysia. Sad. Muka pun naik jerawat sebab pakai pencuci muka murah. Kulit muka super sensitive and tak boleh pakai products yang bukan-bukan :(

Sepanjang hidup I, this is the best skincare product I ever used. Mahal tapi berbaloi. Muka I flawless hokey. Pimple pun sangat susah nak ada kat muka.

Sangat sedih bila pergi Skinfood outlet, Tea Tree set ni dah takde. Bukan satu dua outlets I pergi, lima outlets tau. Semua dah takde stock!

After 2 month bingung and don't know what product to use, muka pun dah ada lima jibik pimples, I terjumpa Clean Face set from The Face Shop kat instagram. This set memang untuk sensitive skin like mine. Harga lebih kurang je dengan Skinfood. Yeayyyy. Hari ni jugak I nak pergi beli. 

I'm excited :)

Semoga muka gebu gebas dan glowing glowing after this.


This is the story of an adorable 5 month old kitten that was rescued and brought home to five male ferrets and she grew up with them! Because she grew up with them, now she thinks she’s a ferret too! A ferret that meows!

She became the only sister to these five ferrets. All they did all day was snuggle, cuddle and play.

Komari is indeed a cat but… Komari was raised around ferrets, so she believes she’s one of them!
Ahhhh comel gilaaaaaaa.